Friday, July 8, 2016

Sweet Simple Scooty

The TVS Scooty evokes a lot of emotions whoever it maybe, the ladies adore that cute vehicle for its ease of use, the college going girls consider it as thier BFF after all it is the key to freedom for many after being chaperoned by thier brothers and father for years,  but the guys have a love hate relationship for the pocket rocket and Iam one of them because I can sing the song I Hate you like I love you for the scooty anytime.
It was a vehicle for many of us the after the bicycle, even though it left us without pocket money since we used to fill fuel for 10 rupees at times and take it for a spin.
The scooty is a lovely commuter, the curves along with that extra steel guardings make it look oddly cute. The headlight gave it a look of a teen girl in her first day to college, all excited and nervous at the same time.
The underwear storage was just about enough to carry things and beer bottles 
The initial thrust, even if it lasted for a second is fun and the top speed being a very hard to achieve 65km/h was good, considering the small engine.
The pink scooty was an eye sore when you see uncles and guys riding it; but a real heart throb when you spot a girl scooting away in the streets with the duppatta flying behind, which gives you an opening line "hello dupatta dupatta" :-p
The fluttering stole not only fluttered around but stole our hearts everytime we see it.
Just when we thought the scooty was done and dusted, TVS came back with 99 colours as options now the streets were filled with colours, which if rode by women was a beauty to behold and if rode by guys it was totally absurd.
The scooty was later replaced by the Activa and Access but the love for scooty will remain forever, for any guy who got the hand me down scooty from Moms and sisters which made the vehicle more special :-).
Scooty a small, sweet and super scooter forever :-)